Monday, 11 March 2013

Top 3 Male Tattoo Designs

Post by: Victoria Z.

tribal, tattoo, men, back, designOne of the most popular and significant trends to come out of the tattooing industry in the past twenty years has to be those designs that feature tribal artwork. Done in solid black with curves that end in points and sometimes interlock in complex patterns, these tattoos have various meanings to different people. They have been associated to social status, achievements, and identification. Celtic tribal artwork consists mainly of a variety of intertwining knot work, spirals and key patterns which at first glance appear somewhat random and completely abstract in nature. The Celts believed that the balance of body and soul was imperative to the individual’s well beings and that by adding lines that continually cross over and under each other built up a level of protection, thus the tattoo served as a talisman against evil. 

cross, tattoo, men, design

The ultimate symbol of Christianity is also one of the most prevalent symbols in tattooing. They come in all shapes and sizes, from simple crossed lines to intricate Celtic knot work versions. The deep symbolic meaning of cross tattoos have stretched to include a wide range of personal creations that may or may not depict religious importance. As one of the most flexible of tattoo designs, the cross is often integrated with several other additions that use hearts, flowers, animals, names, and faces that augment the overall meaning, crosses are usually proffered as the design for many first-timers, which often follows the loss of a loved one.

nautical, star, tattoo, men, design

The nautical star tattoo is among some of the oldest tattoo symbols. The five-pointed star of mariner’s charts is found on the compass rose, straight up, at the North position. Somewhere back in the salty mists of time, it represented the North Star, also known as Polaris, which was so crucial to navigation. It is a popular tattoo for men since they do not like to stop and ask for directions. (Kidding!) Today, it is a tattoo symbol that goes back to finding one’s way home and the luck that it sometimes takes to get there. More symbolically, it means finding one’s path in life. The nautical star tattoo can be big, small, two colors, one color–pretty versatile really.

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